Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I have officially started my English classes with the police officers! Last night I had been planning on not having actual class as the police officers were changing groups and wanted to use the time to just get to know the new group as I did the other, but to my surprise, after dinner most of the police officers had a notebook out and were watching me, whom they call call "teacher," waiting for class to start. Although one officer took to heart the fact that I said we were not having class and decided to instead watch T.V., I had seven great students. This group is going to be a bit easier to handle as most of them are still at a very basic level, unlike the other group with some of them with much more advanced English. Thus, with this class we started with the very basics- went over the English alphabet, numbers, and basic greetings. At times I doubted whether I was doing a very good job, but I'm enjoying helping them out very much. It is going to be quite difficult as I do have them for class only shortly every other week and all of them have not only this job, but other work, other classes to finish high school, and families, but I've got some plans that will hopefully help them learn more with this class than others. Today was very enjoyable as I got to meet my house "mom's" 6-year-old daughter, who's room I am living in as she lives with her grandmother most of the time. She was intrigued by me as I am a new "gringa" and like the average 6 -year-old harassed me for a while with all of her toys, including her doctor toys. Fortunately both my "parents" had the day off and we were able to go to a nearby pool at a more excluded hotel. Laying next to the pool with the flowers and palm trees around me soaking up the sun, playing soccer with my parents on the hotel's soccer field, and swimming around in the pool, I definitely felt like I was on a tropical vacation. Now on to teach class numero dos!

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