Friday, February 24, 2012

1/3 of the Way

Time is a funny thing. A month can seem like a very long amount of time and fly by at the same time. I have been in Costa Rica for a month now and have exactly two more to go. I'm happy to say that I enjoyed almost every part of this last month, disregarding my first day in San Jose and some time spent on buses. Furthermore, I am pleased to find that I feel glad to have two more months to really get to know La Fortuna, the people here, teach more to my students, and have a bit more time out of my normal element. Granted, when thinking about this date two months from now, I can't help but get happy butterflies about seeing all my loved ones, but I know that day will be here before I know it.
For being the end of February, I certainly have the best tan I've ever had and enjoying the most beautiful weather. It has been nice to have my days for running, going to the gym, and prepping and teaching classes. I have so much more respect for teachers. It is truly a challenge to make lesson plans and decide to how to go about teaching a subject. I still don't know if the order I'm going about teaching things is best, but when I doubt myself, I just remind myself what I'm teaching can't do anything but add to their knowledge. This week we have gone over telling time, the difference between "good" and "well" as well as "fewer" and "less," plus more work on verbs and vocabulary. Tonight I hope to play a game with the officers and try to keep class fun. I also will be going on a run and playing soccer with a group of the guys in this group of officers which I am super excited about.
Yesterday was the bi-weekly get together for the "Fortuna Social Club" for area Americans. This meeting I met a couple from Indianapolis who own a host boat at the lake. It's always funny to get little reminders of just how small the world is; most of my family is from Indiana in this area. I also met a lady who just arrived to the area after spending a year in Thailand and is a yoga instructor, meaning I might be getting in some yoga in the next week or so. And it's nice to get to see some of the other familiar faces in the club.
This weekend is the equivalent of a summer fair here in Fortuna including some scary traveling carnival rides, which appear to be even more sketch than the ones back home which is pretty hard to beat, dances, music, rodeos, and food. The festival will last a week and I'm excited to put on my anthropologist cap and go observe another different part of the culture here. And I'm going to try my best to watch the Academy Awards here on Sunday as being a movie-fanatic, this is my version of Superbowl Sunday. I'm crossing my fingers they don't translate all the acceptance speeches in Spanish, but either way I guess I'll get to see if my predictions were correct.

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